Beaumont Primary School

Art & Design

Intent: Art and design is an essential part of the primary curriculum. Art allows the child to develop their imagination and creativity, to make connections through their inventive minds and gives children the skills to record their imagination and ideas. Art also encourages expression and visual thinking, which in turn helps children learn other subjects.


At Beaumont Primary School, we implement an art curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Art and Design is planned and taught in half termly modules, alternating with Design Technology (DT), focusing on the knowledge and skills outlined in the Primary National Curriculum. Each module covers a particular art technique and is focused on a specific element of art. Creative, thematic and cross curricular links are made to ensure that children are given the opportunity to use and develop new skills. Children are provided with opportunities to express ideas, opinions and feelings, and the teachers aim to challenge their thinking through focused questioning. They will experiment with materials and design, practise skills, modify their work and appreciate the work of others.

In Foundation Stage, children experience Art and Design through activities planned as part of the Early Years Curriculum. In addition to planned activities, children have continuous access to a range of art and craft materials to stimulate creativity and develop art skills.

In Key Stage 1, children continue to develop their creativity and imagination through a wide range of activities, using a range of materials which they are familiar with. Children are given opportunities to focus on the works of famous artists, crafts people and designers. They are encouraged to ask their own questions.

In Key Stage 2, children build on their skills, knowledge and understanding of processes and materials and begin to explore the diverse roles and functions of art and design in the locality and wider world.  All learning and activities are planned to be accessible to all learners, including children with SEND. When teaching Art and Design, the interests of the children are taken into account to ensure that learning is engaging, broad and balanced. Additional enrichment is provided through: school trips and after school clubs.


Pupil Assessment & Attainment

During art lessons, children’s learning is measured through observations and questioning. This is used to support the planning and development of teaching and learning in the short term. Summative assessments include using sticky knowledge assessments at the end of the year. This supports teacher assessment during the year as well as the Subject Leader’s and SLTs monitoring of data to aid in planning for development of the subject and whole school targets.

Art Subject Area and School Improvement Planning

The subject leader:

  • Measures the impact through monitoring activities, including; learning walks, questionnaires to staff and pupils, pupil voice, looking at evidence of pupils’ work, analysis of teacher’s assessments (sticky knowledge assessments), and any other relevant evidence.
  • Evaluates the impact and plans for future development of the subject for pupils and staff.
  • Creates an action plan, looks to develop new opportunities, refines current practice, plans CPD for staff and feeds into the School Improvement Plan (where appropriate).

Overall Intended Impact

To ensure:

  • Art is engaging and enjoyable for pupils and generates a love of art as a subject and an appreciation of the world around them.
  • Teachers have the confidence and knowledge to deliver a well-planned and interesting curriculum to pupils using a range of resources and approaches.
  • Pupils make good progress in their acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding.
  • Children access a range of different learning opportunities, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Staff evaluate the impact of their teaching and learning and develop their practice to suit the learners in their classroom. • The subject leader can identify strengths and areas for development of the subject and act upon it in the interest of the school


Art and Design Policy

Art and Design Overview 2024 - 2025

Art and Design Strategic Plan 2024 - 2025

Art and Design Progression of Skills 2024 - 2025