Beaumont Primary School


Intent: - At Beaumont Primary School, our vision is to provide all of our children with a geography curriculum that gives pupils an understanding of the world around them, its environments, places near and far, and the processes that create and affect them. To achieve this, we provide carefully sequenced lessons which feature meaningful fieldwork and introduce a progression of geography concepts that enable pupils to build up a breadth and depth of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills so that ultimately, they can ask and answer geographical questions such as ‘why is this place like this?’, ‘how is this place changing?’ and ‘how are other places affected?’

EYFS Seasons Local Area
(School Grounds)
Understanding and Making Maps
1 Weather Comparing the Polar Regions to the Kalahari Desert Mapping the UK
2 Comparing the UK to Kenya Continents and Oceans Contrasting Local Area (Purley)
with a UK coastal resort
3 Mediterranean Britain Earthquakes and Volcanoes
4 Croydon Rivers and Trade Europe - Italy
5 Rainforests and Deforestation Egypt Europe - Scandinavia
6 Europe - Germany Advanced Mapping Our Dependence on Water


Teaching and Learning

Plan and deliver the geography outlined in the Primary National Curriculum, including all the relevant learning objectives.

Make cross curricular links to allow children the chance to use and develop their new skills.

Use a range of first-hand practical experiences, and fieldwork, allowing for development of the different investigation skills.

Use a range of resources, outdoor spaces and technology to support learning.

Children should be introduced to a range of vocabulary linked to their topic in each lesson. They will gain an understanding of it, use it effectively in their work and revisit it on a regular basis.

Children are given the opportunities to explore their local environment and beyond.

Inclusion and Wider Engagement

All learning and activities planned to be accessible to all learners, including children with SEND, disadvantaged pupils and other varying abilities.

Additional enrichment provided through; theme days/weeks within schools, outside providers delivering clubs/workshops/assemblies in school, school trips, after school clubs.


Pupil Assessment & Attainment

During geography lessons, children’s learning is measured using observations, key questions, marking and annotations of their work and other forms of Assessment for Learning. This is used to support the planning and development of teaching and learning in the short term.

Summative assessments include using end of topic assessments and end of year subject sticky knowledge assessments. This supports teacher planning and assessment during the year as well as the Subject Leader’s and SLT monitoring of data to aid in planning for development of the subject and whole school targets.

Geography Subject Area and School Improvement Planning

Subject leader measures impact of the implementation through monitoring activities, including; learning walks, questionnaires to staff and pupils, pupil voice, looking at evidence of pupils’ work, analysis of teacher’s assessments and any other relevant evidence.

Subject leader evaluates the impact and plans for future development of the subject for pupils and staff.

Subject leader creates an action plan, looking to develop new opportunities, refine current practice, plan CPD for staff and feed into the School Improvement Plan (where appropriate).

Overall Intended Impact

Geography is a subject that is engaging and enjoyable for pupils which fosters a love of Geography as a subject and an appreciation of the world around them.

Teachers have the confidence and knowledge to deliver a well-planned and interesting curriculum to pupils using a range of resources and approaches.

Pupils make good progress in their acquisition of skills, knowledge and conceptual understanding.

Children access a range of different learning opportunities, both in and out of the classroom.

Staff evaluate the impact of their teaching and learning and develop their practice to suit the learners in their classroom.

Subject leader can identify strengths and areas for development of the subject and act upon it in the interests of the school.
